

Bernie Sanders for President?: Economic Disaster

Every four years, we’re treated to the spectacle of a contest for the presidency of the United States. One of the reasons this year’s experience is so different is the fact that one of the Democratic candidates is a self-styled socialist. This article describes why Bernie Sanders’ economic ideas would […]


Bernie Sanders for President?: Economic Justice

Like him or not, Bernie Sanders is not a communist. Instead, Sanders has long identified with democratic socialism, a political and economic position similar to that in Scandinavian countries like Denmark, Sweden, and Norway. Interestingly enough, such a position is not entirely historically foreign to the United States. Sanders himself […]


Equality For All

On Feminism And The Fight For Racial Equality If you consider yourself an advocate for equality, you don’t get to pick and choose whom you want that equality for; that defeats the point. You can’t say you long for equality in this world, then only fight for people who look, […]


I Am A Feminist

Why I Am Voting For Hillary Clinton I am a feminist. That’s right, I just started out this article by identifying myself with a very controversial statement. However, allow me to make it even more controversial. I am a feminist, and I will be voting for Hillary Clinton in the 2016 […]


What Grinds My Gears: Sheer Exhaustion

The following excerpts are from the secret undergound files of Doctor Gerry Stearson, from “the Institution That Sometimes Notices Outrageous Troubling Realities Everyone Always Looks Past.” Case File: Patient 74b [Maier, Jared] 1/12/16 – Patient 74b walked into my office today for the first time. First thing 74b did was […]


Childlike Faith

It was an uneventful Saturday afternoon, and I was lounging on a hard wooden chair with my cousin in her dining room. One of her young sons was creating fences on his plate with his vegetables while his little brother, after descending the peak of his high chair with help […]


A Biblical Look at Alcohol Consumption

Drinking is a complex issue for some Christians because the Bible does not clearly state if drinking in moderation is fully wrong or right. The Bible isn’t ambiguous about drunkenness. Ephesians 5:18-19 reads, “Do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit, addressing […]


What (Does Not) Grind My Gears: Snow

Disclaimer: First off, yes, I do know I am wearing a black facemask around campus. Yes, I am aware that it makes me look like a ninja, lunatic, assassin, Batman, fencer, New Age video game character, and Kylo Ren. No, I am not just wearing it to look cool. I […]


Censorship and the FCC

Although the Second Amendment has been getting more press recently, the First Amendment’s guarantee of freedom of speech, association, and religion is a pivotal bulwark in our nation’s founding. Free speech has become nearly synonymous with democracy, and as a principle it is highly uncontested in our country. However, the […]


Joy In The Unpredictable

I’m an overthinker who is hyper-aware of her own personality. I’m in tune with all of my little quirks, and I know exactly what makes me tick. I like morning routines and color-coding my school supplies. I function best when my bed is made and my hair is parted in […]