Month: April 2021

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The Poppy War

The Poppy War series has generated a lot of chatter in a lot of different book communities, and for good reason: it’s a fantastically well-written and well-researched historical fantasy based on twentieth century Chinese military history. The series is a trilogy, with the first book, The Poppy War published in […]

Archive, Center Spread

Give Poetry a Try

Poetry overall tends to have a reputation as being overwhelming, dense, hard to understand, and highly intellectual, and much of that stems from how many people’s only experiences with poetry are in educational settings where the poems are written with antiquated language, and the reading experience is one solely based […]

A&E, Archive

The Art of Taking a Breath: What it means to find the peaceful moments amidst the chaos.

The Enneagram Institute defines type ones as being “well-organized, orderly, and fastidious, they try to maintain high standards, but can slip into being critical and perfectionistic.” This trend may seem overdone and tired, but this definition fits me better than my favorite t-shirt. When I got to college, I felt […]