Center Spread
Eastern Through the 20th Century: David Bradstreet
Dr. David Bradstreet graduated from Eastern in 1976 and proceeded to earn his doctorate in astronomy and astrophysics at the University of Pennsylvania. He returned to Eastern in 1983 as…
Eastern Through the 20th Century: George Claghorn & Fredrick Boehlke
“Few men shape institutions during their lifetimes, but Dr. George Claghorn and Dr. Fredrick Boehlke are two such men. Dr. Claghorn (’44) and Dr. Boehlke (’52) both served Eastern University…
#BlackLivesMatter: Black Lives Matter a Brief History
The Black Lives Matter Movement is arguably the first major justice movement spread largely through social media. Originally starting as a hashtag on Twitter, after the 2013 acquittal of George…
Charles S. Walton: A Biography
When Charles S. Walton, Sr. passed away on December 26, 1916, the headline of the local newspaper read, “Radnor Township Sustains an Incalculable Loss.” Over 500 mourners gathered at the…
A Brief History of the Walton Estate
Walking across Eastern University’s campus, it’s easy to feel like you’re in a Spanish villa up on a hillside with a vineyard down below. No, it’s not a Spanish Villa,…
Meet The Press
Editor-in-Chief Name: Lauren Bujaky Year: Senior Majors: English Literature/Theology Describe yourself in three phrases: cat cuddler, butter connoisseur, avid bibliophile. Who is your literary crush? Gabriel Oak from Thomas Hardy’s…
Saluting Our Seniors
Remembering the stellar group of Waltonian editors before they graduate Lizzie Vollmer: Managing editor, the brains of our operation (because it certainly isn’t me) and a champion e-mailer. 1. Favorite…
The Walt-Onion: Eastern’s Finest News Source
“Ring by Spring” Prompts New Eastern Dating Site As many students struggle to find their soul mate before they graduate, the administration has decided to implement an online dating network,…
Memes By Eastern Students
Senior Maryann Bonner has a unique way of expressing cluelessness, drawing inspiration from the infamous “I dunno dog.” Lol. Success! Sophomore Josh Bell celebrates getting his picture in the Waltonian…