

Dr. Rob MacGregor speaks at Windows about AIDS; Africa

A ministry to people with AIDS recently reached Eastern. Dr. Rob MacGregor, emeritus professor of medicine at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, spoke about his experience with HIV/AIDS in Africa at Windows on the World on September 22. A slideshow of photos enhanced his account. Students and faculty […]


Plant Operations gets new executive director

As the leaves begin to change from green to orange and the weather changes from hot to cool, the department at Eastern that cleans up fallen leaves is also metamorphosing. On August 11, Carl Altomare was hired as executive director of campus services. Donna Macintosh, head of campus services, took […]


Performing arts divides into two departments

Two new departments recently formed under the umbrella of the year-old performing arts division. One department consists of dance and theatre and the other of fine arts and music. The move, according to interim dean of arts and sciences Betsy Morgan, fills an organizational hole in Eastern’s academic structure. “These […]


Sprung dance floor leaves dancers happy and safe

Sore knees, sore ankles, sore hips and sore leg joints no more! This past summer, a new dance floor was installed for the dance department, and dance majors have been raving every since. Previously, the dance floor, which is located between the main gym and the recreational gym, was inch-thick […]


Eastern in the City offers classes in urban setting

In the Northern Liberty section of Philadelphia, mere blocks from the projects, Eastern University students are attending core classes this fall. Eastern in the City is a two-year liberal arts program sponsored by the Campolo School for Social Change. According to Janeen Barlowe, program director, the mission of EIC is […]


Inquiring Minds: Extreme sports: not such an extreme idea

We need to get a little more extreme. Extreme sports have been increasing in popularity these days. Some colleges, like Boise State University, even offer extreme sports. Eastern should consider doing following suit. Imagine a giant rock climbing wall looming over Doane Hall. Students would have the ability to free […]


Eastern gets football program: Powder Puff style

Every fall, colleges across America experience the pageantry and excitement of college football. When some think about classes beginning, others are thinking about the start of football season. For years, Eastern has not shared in this fine collegiate tradition, until now. Sophomore and Pennswood RA, Brittany O’Neal, has been laying […]