

Party privileges and responsibility

Dear Eastern University students, It has been brought to the attention of the Student Development Office that you are having fun. Please stop. Thank you. I’m not sure how many of you read the letter concerning irresponsible drinking sent to our mailboxes, but from my observances standing in the mail […]


Inquiring Minds: Where’s our Elie Wiesel?

Why isn’t Elie Wiesel coming to Eastern? What is it about Cabrini, a college similar in size to Eastern, which allowed them to get a renowned Nobel Prize winner to come speak at their convocation? Why doesn’t Eastern bring in high profile speakers to teach us about the world? Why […]


Dr. Rob MacGregor speaks at Windows about AIDS; Africa

A ministry to people with AIDS recently reached Eastern. Dr. Rob MacGregor, emeritus professor of medicine at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, spoke about his experience with HIV/AIDS in Africa at Windows on the World on September 22. A slideshow of photos enhanced his account. Students and faculty […]


The Black Dahlia: violent, corrupt and confusing

The Black Dahlia was advertised as the presentation of a grisly, unsolved Hollywood murder. Do not go to the theater expecting to get that. The murder is there, but it is almost overshadowed by several other strong threads of plot. The whole conglomeration is decked out with an absurd amount […]


CBS-3 films program segment at Eastern

CBS-3 filmed a segment of Healthwatch on September 18 in interim Dean of Arts and Sciences Betsy Morgan’s office on second floor McInnis. The segment is an advertisement for the new type-2 diabetes pill, Diachrome. This is not the first filming on campus. “We have had several catalogs shot here; […]