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Commencement speaker will discuss values and faith

Two of Eastern’s most generous supporters will be speaking at commencement. Terri Klaassen will speak at the graduate commencement on May 14. Her husband Paul Klaassen will speak at the undergraduate commencement that same day. The Klaassens are the founders of Sunrise Senior Living, a network of retirement communities. They […]


New class applies social work to third world poverty

The newest social work class at Eastern is designed to bring students halfway around the world. “They can immerse themselves in another culture and challenge their western thinking and their western theories,” said Monica Smith, social work faculty member and developer of the course. An August 7-18 trip to the […]


Two faculty members plan to leave biology, communication

As the campus community says goodbye to the class of 2005, it will also bid farewell to two full-time professors. Eastern veteran Dr. Marv Meyer is retiring this year along with communication professor Dr. Emily Langan. For 30 years Meyer has taught courses in the biology department, namely mircrobiology and […]


Professor challenges love and marriage in capstone

With the advent of spring, love has been on the forefront of many students’ minds. However, according to Dr. Wood Bouldin, the white-bearded teacher of the love capstone, love is not everything it is cracked up to be. Bouldin, who described himself as a “historian of intellectual ideas,” has a […]