Group Gifting: Secret Santa or White Elephant?
‘Tis the season for giving, although giving can come in many forms. Two of the most common large group gift giving activities are white elephants and secret Santa. Buying gifts…
The Myth of the Modern Sabbath: Explaining why students today struggle to observe the Sabbath.
“Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God.…
How the Trump’s Stole Christmas: Melania Trump decorated the White House better than Jill Biden.
“Its the most wonderful time of the year,” sings Andy Williams. Williams was in fact right. Christmas is one of the most magical times of the year. It is a…
Hard Pill to Swallow: Taylor Swift is not all that and a bag of chips.
As many people know, Taylor Swift has made a huge splash in the music community since releasing updated versions of her songs. Many of her fans flocked to TikTok to…
The Meltdown: An Eastern food item suddenly disappeared from the menu.
Now, as an Eastern University student, the food selection is limited. Throughout my four years here, I’ve witnessed this change as many around. From Jamin Java’s rebranding to Zime and…
Life on The Sidelines: One of Eastern’s volleyball players shares her experience from the sidelines.
Recently, I had the opportunity to sit down with one of my good friends and ask her about her fall season. Kaylyn Ziegler plays for the Eastern women’s volleyball team.…
An Ode to JT: A tribute to a girl’s favorite professional golfer, Justin Thomas.
I’ve been watching professional golf for my whole life. I grew up with PGA events on the TV, especially on Sundays between football games and commercial breaks. My television intake…
Sports During The Holiday: A look into how the NFL and NBA display games for Thanksgiving and Christmas day.
While enjoying the Thanksgiving and Christmas breaks schools provide the students, the holidays wouldn’t be completed without the nationally televised games from the National Football League and National Basketball Association.…
Sports Jerseys: A student gives his opinions on sports jerseys today.
Creating the best-looking jerseys in sports is no easy task. But here are my opinions on which jerseys are the best, worst, and all-time favorite jerseys. First of all, I…
Are Superteams Hurting Sports?: A student gives his thoughts on sports’ most controversial matter.
It was not too long ago when Kevin Durant joined the Golden State Warriors and won back-to-back NBA championships and Finals MVPs. But, of course, it was not as if…