A Transfer Student’s Story
I started college later than most people my age had. Whereas most at nineteen were in their second year of classes, I was just starting. It made things a bit…
I started college later than most people my age had. Whereas most at nineteen were in their second year of classes, I was just starting. It made things a bit…
Oh no not again! If you have been paying close attention to the media the last few days, you’ll have noticed the decision to shutdown the government until an agreement…
The international community was shocked when Kim Jong-un, the leader of North Korea, announced that he wanted to meet with South Korean leaders to discuss the possibility of both countries…
In case you haven’t heard, this winter iPhone users around the world received a shocking confession by the popular tech giant. On Dec. 22, Apple admitted to the press that…
Through the years, I have been morally challenged by the notion of whether college athletes should be getting paid for their work on the field. I was first presented with…
Much has been said about the most recent addition to the “Star Wars” franchise. Many fans enjoyed another adventure into that galaxy far, far away that we love so much,…
Oh no not again! If you have been paying close attention to the media the last few days, you’ll have noticed the decision to shutdown the government until an agreement…
The international community was shocked when Kim Jong-un, the leader of North Korea, announced that he wanted to meet with South Korean leaders to discuss the possibility of both countries…
Artistic… JARED MAIER On W e d n e s d a y night, Nov. 15. a few of Eastern University’s performing artists from “The Crucible,” including myself, created some…
While the prospect of “free college” was a point of tension for many in the 2016 election, it seems that states are charting a path ahead on the issue. Recently,…