Video Games With Structural Stability: A brief analysis of LEGO video games.
Video games are perhaps one of the least praised and least respected medium of art and entertainment. Whilst they remain loved and enjoyed by niche fans and younger generations, they…
A Growing Child: A look at Grogu’s development throughout “The Mandalorian” and “The Book of Boba Fett.””
The “Star Wars” Universe was overcome with joy when the character formerly referred to as Baby Yoda made his debut in the Disney+ Star Wars series, “The Mandalorian.” Fans’ adoration…
Dealing with the News Cycle: How to find healthy and productive ways to engage with the news.
If you’ve been following the news cycle recently, it can be deeply overwhelming and stressful. It’s easy to feel as though we have to be constantly plugged in to keep…
St. Patrick’s Day: An Irish-American perspective on this holiday that spans both cultures.
Just like 31.5 million Americans, I am of Irish descent—that is roughly one out of ten Americans. But unlike many of those 31.5 million Americans, my family has much more…
What Should I Give Up For Lent This Year?: An exploration into the different Christian traditions for this liturgical season.
It’s that time of year again. Insects are emerging, daffodils are poking up from the ground, birds are chirping, the weather is getting warmer, the sun is shining more happily…
Spring Banquet: Buy tickets now!
After a long and excruciating two-year-hiatus, one of Eastern University’s beloved traditions has finally resurfaced. For seniors, this tradition may hold a special place in their hearts, but for freshmen,…
Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week: What is aromanticism, and how can we support aros?
In February, many people celebrated Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week! It took place from Feb. 20-26, providing an opportunity to raise awareness for this romantic orientation. Aromanticism “describes people whose experience…
A Deep History: Insights into the correlation between past conflicts and the present-day conflict among Ukraine and Russia.
In Moscow, Russia, President Vladimir Putin delivered a televised speech from the Kremlin on Monday night, where he repeated his demand that Ukraine must not join the North Atlantic Treaty…
Third Person Living with H.I.V. Has Been Cured: Scientists’ finding in medicine leads to hope for the final cure of this disease.
On Feb. 8, scientists announced a woman of mixed race became the third person to ever be cured of H.I.V. The process included a new transplant method using umbilical cord…
500-Pound Black Bear Breaks Into California Homes: The bear nicknamed “Hank the Tank” has been stealing food from homes and causing damage but no harm.
A 500-pound black bear nicknamed “Hank the Tank” has been breaking into homes around Lake Tahoe, Calif., stealing food and causing damage. He was last spotted walking down a street…