Author: Archive


Beware: campus abductors

For those of you who may not know, there is a dangerous crime wave sweeping Eastern’s campus, and it does not involve paintball. The perpetrators of this horrible crime are crafty, violent, and they live among us. At this point you may be asking, “Why have I not learned of […]


Taming the tongue is possible

My mother was here to visit me a few weeks ago, and we couldn’t help but hear the conversation that two students were having with each other as we made our way up to Walton patio. They were talking loudly about the last Eagles game, and their exchange was full […]


Book Review: Dewitched, by Tim Baker

The popular Harry Potter books, the many witchcraft-related television shows and recent Halloween trick-or-treating tempt many people to regard witchcraft as fun, fanciful or just plain harmless. Tim Baker, in his surprising book Dewitched: What You Need to Know About the Dangers of Wicca and Witchcraft, serves well to counteract […]


Measure for Measure explores sin, redemption

Lights hit the black stage as actors waited for the director’s “go” to rehearse a procession scene from Shakespeare’s Measure for Measure. With less than a month before opening night, director Mark Hallen pushed for actors to get off-book. Proudly wearing his Boston Red Sox cap, Hallen moved the actors […]


Nancy Fleischer retires; Donna Hawkins fills her position

After 10 years of dedicated service, Nancy Fleischer will be retiring. She will be replaced by Donna Hawkins, wife of dean of students, Daryl Hawkins. Fleischer’s position, benefits coordinator and administrative assistant for human resources, entails managing the medical and dental insurance benefits for the faculty and staff. She also […]


back issues

Hey all -I know this isn’t exactly what “to the editor” is designed for but I had some trouble searching your the site for specific issues. I am currently in grad school for Higher Education and I am studying social activism on campuses. I was wondering if it was possible […]


Walton family member comes home, visits Eastern

Eileen Korman, known by the Eastern community for greeting people who enter the Dining Commons and swiping their E-cards with a smile, was recently given an opportunity to speak with a piece of Eastern history. A few weeks ago during a Sunday lunch, Korman had the privilege of meeting with […]


Recycled ink cartridges fund programs in Africa

To trash an empty ink cartridge is to waste a valuable item. These products are intricately made and contain very costly parts. There is another, more productive way to get rid of used ink cartridges. Dr. Mike Mtika, sociology professor, is Eastern University’s advocate for Tzomma Shoffa, a program that […]


Habitat for Humanity lends Norristown a helping hand

Helping out in the community has always been a goal of Eastern, and the goal of student-led ministries on campus. Habitat for Humanity is no different. Through the work of some ambitious and hard-working students, many on campus will have even more opportunities to do their part in the community. […]