With aims of enhancing Eastern University, Eastern leadership members have begun to establish drafts of a strategic plan that echoes faith, reason, and justice. As the construction of Eastern University’s 2022-2027 Strategic Plan has gone underway, the Office of Institutional Planning and Effectiveness hosted virtual focus groups. 

The purpose of the focus groups was to be transparent and attain feedback on the preliminary draft of priorities that will direct the strategic plan. Major focus areas and overarching goals were discussed in order to receive feedback from the larger Eastern community. As this session focused on the preliminary draft of goals for Eastern, the feedback from this session, along with future sessions, will further guide the ensuing drafts of the 2022-2027 strategic plan.

On Oct. 13th and Oct. 15th, graduate and undergraduate students met online to learn about and provide feedback on the first draft of the strategic plan. In addition to students, staff members, faculty, alumni, and deans also attended focus groups throughout the week to evolve the conversation regarding the preliminary draft. 

The Office of Institutional Planning and Effectiveness brought to the community draft language in these areas: living out identity; excellence and innovation; strategic funding; diversity, equity, and belonging; and valuing employees. Eastern community members shared their unique and similar experiences, asked questions, and provided critiques. 

Utilizing the feedback received from the focus groups, the leadership team plans to continue drafting the strategic plan. According to Dr. Christine Mahan, Vice President for Institutional Planning and Effectiveness, the second draft will be brought to the community in January for further discussion. “The more we communicate about it, the more useful it is,” Dr. Mahan explained.

As community involvement is a prioritized aspect of this procedure, Eastern community members are encouraged to get involved with the planning process. Community members with questions or comments are always welcome to reach out to the members of the Office of Institutional Planning and Effectiveness. “We all look at things through a different lens, we don’t want to put together a plan for the university that is in a vacuum,” Dr. Mahan stated.