Florals? For springtime? Groundbreaking. Everyone knows the standard spring pastimes: make a flower crown, splash in a puddle, go for a bike ride, spring-cleaning and so on. But The Waltonian aims higher. We strive to provide you with new, fresh takes on the laundry list of spring activities. So look no further than the following guide for a splendid springtime. 

Step 1: Giddy

Attitude changes everything. Now, I am not a psychologist, a therapist, a mentor, a life coach or any other such influential person in your personal life. I am just a writer. So when I tell you to let springtime be the time that you open yourself up to new possibilities and approach everything with an attitude of acceptance and excitement, I am not giving you mental health advice. And I know it’s hard to greet every day with joy. At times it’s completely impossible. I would simply encourage you to keep an open mind during these few months as the leaves unfurl and the weather warms up. Take the changing season as a sign to try new things and let excitement for life take hold.

Step 2: Gobble

It’s the season of the picnic. With the weather warming up and fresh fruits and vegetables coming into season, now is a perfect time to pack up a picnic meal and enjoy the simple beauty of eating outdoors. Picnics are a great go-to for a casual date, friend group get-togethers or a solo treat. Plus, there are plenty of lovely places on campus that are ideal picnic locations, like the field behind Doane, the hill by Fowler or the stream in front of Sparrowk. 

Step 3: Green

I do not mean it in any metaphorical sense when I say that now is the time to surround yourself with green. The color green is, in my humble opinion, the best color. One should strive to be enveloped by green things during every season but in spring particularly. This could mean wearing green clothes, drinking matcha, lying in the grass or finding other ways to bring something good and green into your daily life. 

Step 4: Golf (and more)

Spring sports are as plentiful as the daffodils. Now could be the time to find a new interest! Whether it’s golf, tennis, track, baseball or lacrosse, there are numerous sports that are in full swing in the spring. Consider showing up to support Eastern’s teams, keeping up with your home team or playing the sport yourself! 

Step 5: Growth

Take this season as an opportunity to bloom (I cringed reading that, too, but just go with it)! The school year is coming to a close, and with it, for some folks, comes the end of this time we call the college years. Springtime, with its promise of the coming warmth and freedom of summer, is a great time for reflection and anticipation. As I said in the first step, I am no expert in the realm of psychology. But I do think this is as good a time as any to start taking stock of where we are, how we’re doing, and what we could be doing to better ourselves and our communities. This could be the time to start getting to know your neighbors, volunteering for a local cause, journaling, spending more quality time with loved ones and so on. Whatever the idea of growth looks like for you, spring is certainly an amenable time for it.