Student Spotlight
Name: Matt Lorthioir Year: Junior Major: Music education “I love kids, I love music, and I want to teach.” Hometown:West Hempstead, NY Favorite Color: Blue Future plans:”First things first: leave…
Name: Matt Lorthioir Year: Junior Major: Music education “I love kids, I love music, and I want to teach.” Hometown:West Hempstead, NY Favorite Color: Blue Future plans:”First things first: leave…
One day this past summer, I found myself talking with a middle-aged New Ager about absolute truth, pluralism and Christianity. I thought this a rather odd event, since I was…
After a two year search, Eastern’s Christian Studies department finally has a new professor of New Testament. Carl Mosser recently finished his doctoral studies at St. Andrews University in Scotland…
College students know adjusting to college life is both difficult and exciting. The students who transferred to Eastern at the beginning of the spring semester are experiencing the challenges and…
In May of last year the United States Department of Health and Human Services issued a press release, The Health Consequences of Smoking: A Report of the Surgeon General, stating…
A smoke-free campus is one of the many things that attract students to Eastern. Few may realize, however, that a little over fifteen years ago, the administration allowed smoking on…
The Eastern team rushed the court celebrating, and the Marywood team was crushed. The players were forming a line to congratulate each other on a game well-played and won by…
It’s the modern day universal embarrassing moment. You’re walking alone on the path when you see someone advancing toward you in the distance. As you near them, you realize it…
Smeagol clasped the ring in his gangly fingers and with a glint in his pale green eyes, uttered, “My precioussssss.” This often joked-about representation of how much one object can…
Therefore, you kings, be wise; be warned, you rulers of the earth. Serve the LORD with fear and rejoice with trembling”(Psalms 2:10,11 NIV). Yet when I reflect on the speeches…