SGA advocates renewal of wind energy program
What’s $23 compared to thousands? That’s the opinion of Adam Brittin, SGA president and graduating senior, on the question Eastern students must face when presented with their tuition bill: Check…
What’s $23 compared to thousands? That’s the opinion of Adam Brittin, SGA president and graduating senior, on the question Eastern students must face when presented with their tuition bill: Check…
At Eastern University, we have a history professor who is Catholic, an English professor who is Baptist and a communication professor who is Quaker. We have flaming liberals and staunch…
Top: junior Anthony Pastiglione. Bottom: Jon Vander Pol chips a ball onto the green. The golf team finished its season May 1st in the PAC Championships. Photos provided by sports…
The Journeys segment of the Equality Ride offered students the opportunity to hear personal narratives of some of the hardships faced by some of the Riders. Five stories were shared…
I was once involved in a shouting match with one of my friend’s grandfathers over whether the Phillies will ever win anything. He said it will never happen. I said…
“Turn your head and Gough.” Just kidding. Gough’s real motto is “Gough into all the world,” as in the Great Commission. Say it like this: “Vincent Van Gough into all…
The United States prides itself as a nation of immigrants. The Statue of Liberty stands as a symbol of America’s openness bidding, “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled…
Eastern’s women’s lacrosse played their way to victory on April 20 against Misericordia with an 18-3 win. With their recent victory over Haverford, on April 24, the team finished their…
Beethoven’s Grosse Fugue found its way out of Palmer Seminary’s basement, all the way to London where it brought in $1.7 million, and made its way back to Wayne, Penna.…
It is traditional, in this space and at this time, for the Waltonian’s outgoing editor-in-chief to say goodbye to the newspaper and the Eastern community and hello to next year’s…