Field of Screams
Pay to get in, pray to get out
Pay to get in, pray to get out
What is the best piece of advice you have ever given?
Dia del Este came back bigger and better than ever this semester, causing the entire campus to burst with excitement from Sept. 17-19. The festivities began Thursday night with a…
Wouldn’t it be great to have a birthday celebration that lasts all year long? While the Philadelphia Zoo’s official birthday is on March 31, the celebration was extended to last…
Tony Campolo corrects article on homosexuality
Former athletes now helping as coaches
If you take the 2:11 p.m. train from St. Davids, by 2:14 p.m. you will have arrived at a place where the manicured landscape and stunning architecture are reason enough…
Is it glorifying teen pregnancy?
Eastern puts on existentialist play
Sophomore Timothy Turner is experiencing dorm life in Sparrowk Hall at the age of 59. He graduated from Thomas A. Edison High School in Philadelphia in 1969 and then served…