Birthday Birds and Scaredy Cats
Philadelphia Zoo and Field of Screams offer fun weekend activities
Philadelphia Zoo and Field of Screams offer fun weekend activities
Pay to get in, pray to get out
Wouldn’t it be great to have a birthday celebration that lasts all year long? While the Philadelphia Zoo’s official birthday is on March 31, the celebration was extended to last…
Eastern puts on existentialist play
Nowadays a dollar does not do much except buy two-thirds of a soda from a vending machine or do some laundry. But what if, after buying a $1 ticket, one…
Sept. 22: Ralph Nader, Only the Super-Rich Can Save Us!, 12 p.m. FREE Sept. 24: James Ellroy, Blood’s A Rover, 7:30 p.m. FREE Oct. 5: Monday Poets, Leonard Gontarek, 6:30…
SAB The buzz word for SAB this year is Friday. “Almost everything we have planned this year is on a Friday,” Coordinator of Student Activities Paul Daigle said. “Now students…