World Malaria Week

Surely the students at Eastern University are studying immensely and not doing anything fun.  Right?

Actually, a number of students attended Operation Net’s World Malaria Week activities, held Tuesday to Thursday, April 26-29. Throughout the week, Operation Net used fundraisers and activities to inform the Eastern community on what Malaria is and what can be done to prevent it.

The week featured Malaria Trivia, a Chapel Service and a ‘Knock Out Malaria’ basketball competition.  Prizes were given away at many of these events.  Operation Net President sophomore Kali Fairchild said, “I’m hoping that the community responds well to [World Malaria Week], so that people will become more aware.”

Four students won Wawa gift cards for their answers to Malaria Trivia on Tuesday.  

Sophomore Kara Castle, a member of Operation Net, observed, “More people came [to the Wednesday Chapel Service] than we thought would.”

Eastern students were encouraged to wear white on Thursday to represent the day malaria will be gone, or “washed out.”  

Junior Martin Soaries won the knock-out competition, 3-on-3 game and 3-point shot competition on Friday.

Through the week students had the opportunity to write a letter to Congress regarding budget cuts to foreign aid.  Operation Net also accepted donations.

Operation Net raises money for mosquito nets, which help prevent malaria.  The disease is spread by a parasite transmitted through a mosquito’s bite. This can be prevented by mosquito nets, which protect people from the insect while they sleep.

Castle said, “I’m really surprised how many people are just giving donations . . . and wanting to buy nets.”

Currently, enough has been raised through Operation Net at Eastern to purchase 550 nets, which will cover about 2,400 people.

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