Two truths and a lie

Darrell Pearson1. My first name is a derivation of the word “Jarl,” which refers to Swedish royalty. My family’s Scandinavian heritage goes back to a royal line in Sweden.2. My family’s babysitter was legendary musician Bob Dylan (his grandparents lived next door to my family).3. At the public hospital where I was born, my Dad was the first father in the hospital’s history to be allowed in the room to participate in his child’s birth.

Duffy Robbins 1. When I was a little boy, I tap danced and sang all up and down the East Coast of the US as a performer in the Charlotte (NC) Boys Choir.2. Through high school and college, I was a night-time newscaster at a 50,000 watt rock and roll radio station, where my on the air name was “Duffy Robbins.”3. My first year in the military was interrupted by a training accident, a wound that ultimately kept me from having to ship out to the fighting in Vietnam.

Calenthia Dowdy 1. One of my summer jobs while in college was working and traveling with the Universe Soul Circus.2. While in South Africa many years ago, I visited the home of Nelson Mandela.3. I lived nearby a Brazilian favela (slum) for a time and learned how to dodge flying bullets.

Rev. Dr. Eduardo M. Ramirez1. My grandfather’s cousin was a giant: 2.45 meters.2. With my wife, our four children and their spouses, we represent 10 different ethnic roots. 3. I played soccer in school in Argentina.

The lies: Pearson, 1; Robbins, 3; Dowdy, 1; Ramirez, 3

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