On April 14, The Friends of Warner Memorial Library hosted their annual dinner and had Eastern’s own Three Amigos – youth ministry professor Duffy Robbins, Chancellor Chris Hall and chaplain Dr. Joe Modica – as their guest speakers for the evening.

A wonderful Mexican buffet was served. Student Chaplains, Youth Ministry students and Templeton Honors College students donned sombreros and joined members of the FOL as well as some of Eastern University’s administrators for the festivities.

Robbins, a popular Christian speaker for Youth Ministry, began the Three Amigos presentation with a wonderful slide show describing the history of the famous trio. Photos, one-liners and a participatory quiz were all a part of the fun.

Each of the Three Amigos spoke about their favorite first lines of books which they identify with. Hall expressed his favorite first line from Charles Dickens book’s, “A Tale of Two Cities” – “These are the best of times, and the worst of times,” – and related it to Janet Long’s recent passing. Long was a long-time employee of Eastern University and Director of Financial Aid.

Modica’s favorite first line was, “Missions is not the ultimate goal of the Church, worship is,” from John Piper’s book “Let the Nations Be Glad.” He felt that everything we do is an act of worship.

Finally, Robbins spoke about one of his favorite authors, Eugene Peterson, describing his message about being, “called to be who I’m called to be” and relating it to his profession as a promise one has made to God, as opposed to having a job where one just gets paid.

At the conclusion of the evening, a raffle was held, and many students and guests walked away with books written by each of the Three Amigos as well as gift cards.

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