SAB starts the year with a bang

An annual phenomenon has once again befallen Eastern’s campus. Every weekend, hordes of students with homework and laundry baskets in tow crowd into their cars and head for home. Residence hall parking lots are suddenly and blissfully half-empty. Paths congested during the week are bare except for small numbers of students making their way to dinner or the library.

Is free laundry or a home-cooked meal enticing enough to lure the majority of students off-campus Friday through Sunday, the prime time for building community within the student body? Or are students simply choosing home over the prospect of a boring weekend?

For those answering in favor of Option C, have no fear. The Student Activities Board is more active than ever in providing on-campus alternatives for weekend boredom.

This fall already promises to be a successful semester for the SAB. With a strong start including an ice-cream social, a block party, a movie night and a fun-filled fall carnival, SAB aims to keep campus lively during weekends. “We’re seeking to take advantage of the warm weather,” said Laura Diefenderfer, a sophomore and head of SAB’s publicity management. So expect more outdoor events this year.

SAB’s kickoff event on Sept. 7, the Welcome Back Block Party, replaced previous years’ Welcome Back Dance and enjoyed an unusually good turnout of roughly 300 students eating, playing sports and dancing under the Gough arch.

Several hundred students camped out on the baseball field the next night for a rather haphazard viewing of Shrek 3.

This year’s SAB is currently composed of seven students and two advisors, and is scheduled for 30-40 events throughout the school year. “SAB continually strives to update and improve our events to meet the ever changing needs of Eastern’s diverse campus culture,” said Brian Crawford, coordinator of student activities.

Many popular student events this semester will be resurrected from previous years, such as coffeehouses, October’s Comedy Night, November’s Pizza Harvest and December’s annual President’s Christmas Party.

“Activities are offered so students won’t be bored on campus during the weekends,” said Diefenderfer. “We’re trying to promote Christian fellowship on campus to get people to stay on campus on weekends and have a safe environment to hang out with their friends.”

Students are encouraged to contact the board members with feedback after events, as well as suggestions for future events. “We usually have a really good student turnout,” said Samantha Morrow, SAB’s entertainment coordinator, “but it’s frustrating if we don’t get feedback-we can’t do things students want to do. We have to guess on what they might want.”

Wondering what’s the latest on SAB’s event calendar? Check out the display case near the Dining Commons for regular updates, or visit

Please contact Jean Komline ( or Laura Diefenderfer ( with comments & suggestions.

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