Letters to the editor: Readers respond to articles

Dear Editor,

I must compliment the Waltonian in compiling such a strong list of books as must-reads for every student; my especial thanks goes to Mr. Milbourne for his fine work. Among other things that tickled me, it was good to see that George Eldon Ladd is still being read and appreciated; permit me also to recommend his little paperback, I Believe in the Resurrection.

I must quibble, however, with the presentation of Bonhoeffer’s The Cost of Discipleship, a book I certainly recommend and one I re-read often. Mr. Milbourne summarized by noting that Bonhoeffer’s book is for “anyone wondering what it takes to achieve salvation in Christ.” This is a regrettable choice of words inasmuch as Bonhoeffer specifically explains that “it is not that a man achieves” salvation in Christ “through various means of renunciation and mortification.” (1979 Macmillan edn., 257) In fact, strictly speaking, one could never achieve salvation, though too many of today’s preachers and youth ministers suggest as much, sending us off to muster some form of assurance. Rather, Bonhoeffer, good Lutheran that he was, grounded our confidence in the cross of Christ, which we are baptized into-notably, a passive event for any Christian, with Christ doing all the achieving any of us could ever need. The cost of discipleship as regards to our lives has nothing to do with achieving and has everything to do with receiving the gifts of faith and obedience which come to us in Christ, by his Spirit (254-62).

Sincerely,Jonathan YonanAssistant Professor of Christian Studies

Dear Editor,

I would like to offer a note of clarity on the article “Undergrad tuition less than actual cost of education,” by Jezerey Weiderman in the November 20 issue. In the eighth paragraph it reads, “Paying an average of $3,205 more than current tuition if it were not for donors and fundraising efforts from Student Development and the Office of Alumni Relations.” Student Development does not do fundraising. The Office of Development, of which the Office of Alumni Relations is a part of, is the main fundraising arm of the University. Last fiscal year the department raised $4,450,000 from individuals, churches, corporations and foundations to help offset tuition costs. Sincerely,Susan Barnes ’99?Director of Annual Fund

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