It’s not all rivalry: How the campuses work together

There’s more than just a rivalry between Eastern and Cabrini.

The two schools actually have a great working relationship and benefit from each other more than one would think.

For starters, Eastern and Cabrini’s security departments have a great relationship, according to Eastern Director of Security Jack Sheehan.

“Our security officers interact frequently,” Sheehan said. “We like to maintain a constant flow of information with them.”

According to Sheehan, Cabrini’s security has helped recover some of the missing letters from Eastern’s sign. They have also been asked on occasion to provide extra security on Eastern’s campus during athletic events involving the two schools.

“We have a very good relationship,” Sheehan said. “We even play golf every once in a while.”

Besides cooperation within security, the two schools offer the opportunity for students of both schools to take courses that the other does not offer.

For example, several Eastern students have registered to take math classes at Cabrini, according to Associate Registrar Lori Bristol.

“It’s not a big cross registration.” Bristol said. “Only about 4 or 5 students on average participate, but we would certainly welcome students.”

All students need to do is to go to the registrar, fill out an affiliate registration form and get approval from their adviser. Everything else is handled through the registrar’s office.

Another example of cooperation between Cabrini and Eastern include the cordial relationships between Vice President of Student Development Bettie Ann Brigham and her counterpart at Cabrini.

There is also a possibility of an organized activity that would bring both schools together.

Shannon Hartsock, director of student activities, has met with her Cabrini counterparts about some possibilities for the spring or fall of 2007.

Hartsock also said that Eastern would welcome Cabrini students who would like to participate in Eastern’s Ultimate Frisbee tournaments and Powderpuff football league.

“Following the success of our first-ever Powderpuff football season, we would love to invite Cabrini students to join it,” Harsock said of Cabrini, which does not have a Powderpuff football league on their campus.

“It could be a positive experience and not just a competitive thing,” Hartsock said.

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