Eastern to offer yearbook as a credited course next semester

Taking pictures, organizing yearbook sections and publishing is a lot to expect from a small staff of volunteers.

But next semester there will be more incentive to get that job done.

There is a plan to make working on Eastern’s yearbook, The Log, available as a class where credit is earned, similar to a field placement course.

This will hopefully draw more involvement and make the yearbook even better.

“[The new class] is important for the school because it will be a reason for involvement,” said Chad Hunter, yearbook advisor.

“We have done a great job with five staff members, but with this new motivation, we hope to have ten.”

Hunter also has plans to include all student photos in next semester’s yearbook, while still including a large senior section.

Bettie Ann Brigham, vice presdient of student development, also has involvement in making yearbook a credited course.

“The students want to have a yearbook to maintain because it is a record of memories,” Brigham said. “It shows the connection to the school and has sentimental value.”

Brigham also described why she thinks a yearbook is important and different than technology.

“The format of a book is so endearing,” she said.

“I’m really excited about the yearbook becoming a class next semester,” said first-year and yearbook editor Amanda Elliott.

“I really enjoy the staff that I have right now, but having more people involved will get more ideas and perspectives involved in the creation of the yearbook,” she added.

“And the fact that people will get credit for it will be even more of an advantage for those that are interested to join.”

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