e2Campus gets overlooked

Earlier this fall, Eastern University installed a system known as e2Campus, a mass notification system that enables a non-technical administrator to communicate time-sensitive information to the entire campus at once.

However, only approximately 700 people have signed up for the e2Campus alert system. Why would so few students sign up for such a beneficial program? The answer could be in communication.

“I never even knew about it,” first-year Rob Palmarino said.

Another first-year, Jonathan Hodge, was also surprised that such a system was at our campus. “It would be beneficial if I knew about it and signed up for it,” he said.

Bettie Ann Brigham, vice president of student development, has an idea as to why so few have signed up for the e2Campus program. “Because we live in such a safe community, many students probably think they don’t need this program,” she said. “But it is best to be safe.”

Should an emergency occur on any Eastern campus or site, a text message or e-mail will be sent to registered community members with the location, the problem and what to do to stay safe. The message will be brief and to the point. Additional information will be disseminated through an all-community e-mail as soon as it is available.

Katie Brenneman, office manager of student development, is encouraging faculty to sign up for the program as well by handing out safety cards with references of who to call and how to receive more information. “Only people with Eastern usernames can sign up and each person can register two cell phone numbers,” Brenneman said. “That means you can also have your parents involved as well. Thankfully we haven’t needed to use it yet.”

The Eastern Web site has more information regarding the emergency text messaging system at eastern.edu/campus/security/e2campus_info.shtml.

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