Dorm Profile: Gough Hall

“Turn your head and Gough.” Just kidding. Gough’s real motto is “Gough into all the world,” as in the Great Commission. Say it like this: “Vincent Van Gough into all the world.” Good job.

Gough Hall is the five-star hotel, the shining jewel of Eastern’s motley collection of dorms.

The ground floor boasts of a kitchen, seminar rooms, the Great Room and a fitness (read: Ping-Pong) room.

The building has an elevator and rooms on the west side have a prime view of the shiny new turf field. The RD is Brian Crawford.

Gough offers three halls for men and three for women. The top women’s floor has traditional rooms; the rest of the halls have suites. Each floor has a closet for recycling and trash, so no trips to the dumpster with trash juice dripping down your leg are necessary.

Each of the women’s halls has about 40 residents and two RAs, who split the hall for official purposes.

But according to Gough resident Allison King, “If you have a problem, you can go to either RA.”

We all know that what is important in a dorm is location, location, location, and Gough has got it. It lies between Kea-Guffin, Gallup, Hainer and the athletic fields. Its central location makes it the spot for swing and salsa dance club meetings, date auctions and other campus events.

“I think Gough is the nicest dorm in general because it’s located central to campus, it’s near everything,” King said.

Her roommate, Jacqueline Karl, agreed. “There’s always a game going on outside and you can just stop and watch for a couple of minutes,” Karl said.

Having a pretty face doesn’t hurt either. With its stone architecture and large windows that glow a pretty yellow at night, Gough is suggestive of a homey castle.

According to King, “It’s definitely the nicest looking dorm on campus.”

Although many of its residents love living there, Gough does have its drawbacks. Parking is usually unavailable in that section of campus, and pre-dawn sports practices can cause objectionably early waking.

But a dorm is a dorm, and Gough is a nice one.

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