Does Eastern’s Christian “bubble” need to be popped?

“All the believers were together and had everything in common” (Acts 2:47). Welcome to Eastern University.

Here, we spend time with believers in classrooms, in residence halls and in socializing. It is clear that we are in a Christian bubble, where we are in companionship with believers and sharing the love of Christ.

But does this bubble impact one’s ability to receive a full education? Does this environment diminish the sin present in the world? Does this bubble degrade our opportunity to grow faithfully and spiritually?

The answers are no.

Eastern’s bubble is not bad. On the contrary, a Christian bubble is a challenge as well as a chance to grow and learn.

Eastern is liberal, with students coming from many different denominational backgrounds, including Catholic, Presbyterian, Lutheran, Methodist and Baptist. But while we all share different theological viewpoints, we have an opportunity to share these viewpoints while also listening to others. This allows for growth as we form opinions in the context of other perspectives.

As far as diminishing the sin of the world, not everyone in this bubble has an entirely Christ-orientated agenda. Our university has the same alcohol, drug and sex issues that other secular schools have.

Quite frankly, you could be an atheist, attend Eastern and receive a four-year education without having your faith questioned. I do not mean that the university operates under hypocrisy. I only mean that while a large part of the student body is extremely on fire for God (i.e. chapel, grow groups and weekly worship), there is still a large part of the student body that is living “lukewarm” Christianity.

Christians struggle with the same addictions, stresses and daily predicaments that plague all college students. Jesus stated “For where two or three come together in my name, there I am with them” (Matthew 18:20). In our bubble, when we come together under Christ’s name, it is easier to conquer our daily obstacles.

For me, one downside of living in this bubble is that, at a secular school, I would have more chances to witness to non-believers and shine Christ’s light in their lives. Jesus instructed us to “go and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19).

But while I have been called to go and make disciples, I view this Christian bubble as a positive force. I may not be in the world ministering to people now, but I am receiving proper training that I will need when the time comes to fulfill God’s call in my life.

Morgan Freeman playing God in “Bruce Almighty” said: “A single mom who’s working two jobs and still finds time to take her kid to soccer practice, that’s a miracle. A teenager who says no to drugs and says yes to an education, that’s a miracle.”

Sometimes we take advantage of the simple miracle of fellowship with Christians on campus. Let us not lose sight of the wonderful power that God displays by bringing us all together in Eastern’s “Christian bubble.”

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