Best friends = sex friends?

If you are looking for a movie to go and see with your parents or younger siblings, “No Strings Attached” is definitely not the one for you. But, if you are looking for a movie to go and see with friends who have an incredibly dirty sense of humor, you need to order your tickets immediately.  

“Can best friends be sex friends?” is the tagline used to attract audiences to this movie, and that is exactly what it did.  Between the varying levels of dirty humor and relationship drama amongst the main characters, Emma (Natalie Portman) and Adam (Ashton Kutcher), this film is incredibly hard to dislike.  

Emma and Adam meet when they are teenagers at summer camp but fall out of touch over the years.  They are reunited on three different occasions, and prove that the third time is truly the charm.  

The two decide a committed relationship is a huge waste of time and potentially dangerous to their already established friendship.  So with the prevention of a broken heart kept in mind, they alter what they have to include beneficial aspects for both of them.  

But little does Emma know Adam is ready to fall in love.  The mind games she plays with him throughout the whole film not only show a long awaited emotional side of Kutcher, but had every girl in the theatre pitying him.  

Through the unbelievably predictable yet hysterical snafus this movie comes with, the question to “Can best friends be sex friends?” is answered.

For better or worse that’s up to each audience member, but the ride you will take to get there is worth it.  

Be ready for very crude humor, brief nudity, a cameo appearance by Ludacris and a drawn out “Aww” from the females in the theatre because it is going to happen and it is going to be so worth it.

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