Antigone focuses on staying true to beliefs

“Action! Cut! Action!”

With a pencil in her hand, and following script revision # 2, these are the words said by director Elizabeth Carlson ’06, during the rehearsals for Eastern’s fall production of Antigone.

“We have been rehearsing since mid-September,” Carlson said. “Stage management comes early and stays late. Actors are called to attend according to scene. This is not even mentioning the production staff who put in countless hours building costumes, set, props etc.”

The hard work for this production is not only evident from Carlson and her actors. With the entire back wall now painted red, and the stage transformed, Antigone is already breathing life into the McInnis auditorium.

“Considering what we are doing, we are coming along quite well,” stage manager Mel Zacharias said.

Antigone is the story of a character who acts on her beliefs regardless of consequences.

“It’s a simple classic piece that lends itself to the current political temperature,” Carlson said. “We want Eastern to get that it’s okay to be scared of something bigger than you. Act on your beliefs. ”

Junior Elizabeth Loughridge, who will be playing Antigone, agreed.

“We don’t really understand the sacredness of some people,” Loughridge said. “Choices affect everyone. One of the posters for Antigone asks the question, ‘Would you die tonight for your beliefs?’ and I think that as Christians in America that is never really a question we need to worry about answering. But for someone like Antigone, she has to consider it and be willing to pay the price.”

Show your support and beliefs in Eastern’s theatre department this month and attend a showing of the production of Antigone.

Performance information

November 158:00 pm$5.00 with Eastern ID$7.00 for general admission.

November 16, 17, 188:00 pm$6.00 for Eastern students$7.00 for general admission

November 193:00pm$6.00 for Eastern students$7.00 for general admission

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