A New Direction for Raw Rock

The contrast between despairing imagery and Christ’s love has always been central to the impact of Showbread’s lyrics. For years, Showbread has seamlessly integrated hardcore sound with deep

religious themes.  

Musically, they have always hovered within the general confines of “rock,” but each new CD is different from the last, making them difficult to pigeonhole. Thus, they’ve always referred to their music as “raw rock” and made each new release whatever they’ve wanted it to be.

In April 2010, Showbread made the big decision to leave Tooth&Nail records and join Come&Live!, a nonprofit label for ministry-oriented bands. Their aim is to eliminate obstacles preventing anyone from hearing the Gospel through their music.

“By offering our music as a gift with no charge and embracing Christ’s call to give generously, we will open our ministry to anyone and everyone who will take any note of it, not just those willing to pay for it,” they said on their web site.

In order to fund the project, Showbread asked for donations via Kickstarter. Their goal was to raise $13,000–enough for the recording costs–over a period of three months. Fans from all over the country donated immediately, and eight days later they reached that goal. By the time the Kickstarter project ended on Aug. 14, they raised a grand total of $33,322.  On Nov. 16, the band released their new CD, “Who Can Know It?” as a free download.

Not only is this new CD different from their previous release, but it’s almost completely detached from their old sound. There are a few chords and sounds that slightly hark back to the days of No Sir, Nihilism Is Not Practical (2004) and Anorexia/Nervosa (2008), but for all intensive purposes Showbread have completely reinvented themselves.

 There’s no screaming, minimal sound effects and almost all of the songs are slow.

“Who Can Know It?” is Showbread’s most Biblical and reflective release yet. All of the passion from their previous CDs is there, and the concept of Jesus’ presence amidst humanity’s chaotic brokenness is even stronger. However, unlike their previous work, every song is directly related to Jesus and the issues of modern Christianity.

Many Showbread fans seem to have a tough time adjusting to every new CD the band puts out.

If you’ve been stuck with Showbread for this long, you’ll find it in you to embrace the changes.

If you’ve never heard any of Showbread’s music before, this is the perfect opportunity. After all, it’s free.

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