Men’s and Women’s Basketball take a rocky start to season
There is no reason for either of Eastern’s basketball teams not to be holding their heads up even after starting their seasons out with several frustrating losses. An 0-2 record…
There is no reason for either of Eastern’s basketball teams not to be holding their heads up even after starting their seasons out with several frustrating losses. An 0-2 record…
School………………………Overall…PAC T1. Neumann…………………….4-1 2-0T1. Gwynedd-Mercy………….3-1 2-03. Alvernia………………………..3-2 1-0T4. Eastern………………………2-3 1-1T4. Marywood…………………..3-3 1-1T4. Misericordia………………..3-3 1-17. Immaculata……………………1-5 1-28. Wesley………………………….0-5 0-1T9. Arcadia……………………….1-5 0-2T9. Cabrini……………………….1-4 0-2 Recent Action12/2/06Eastern 68, Arcadia 47 11/30/06Eastern 61, Gwynedd-Mercy…
Because of the theft of equipment and the continued use of athletic facilities by persons unrelated to Eastern University, Director of Security Jack Sheehan and Head Men’s Basketball Coach Matt…
It was the perfect diversion. According to Director of Security Jack Sheehan, just after midnight on Nov. 2, three security officers on duty were responding to a call from Gallup,…
Have you carved all your pumpkins? Been on a hay ride and through a corn maze? Walked through enough haunted houses? Are you left looking for a way to combine…
Just three days before the Democrats took control of Congress, several key candidates appeared at a rally at Cabrini College. While recieving an ovation, Senator Bob Casey, Governor Ed Rendell,…
Forget about Pilgrims. Forget about Indians. Forget about turkeys. Forget about all of those clichés that make up Thanksgiving. That is not why it’s important to me. Thanksgiving is a…
Mandy Matthias,’06 alum, describes her first two years at Eastern as a dark time, filled with tension between her sexuality and her spirituality. She was a quiet, withdrawn girl, focused…
Through Federal Work Study, Warner Library is offering paid positions to build a virtual world of resources. After a few years of planning, the Virtual Bibliographic Instruction Project has begun…
Enjoy Christian hip-hop? Eastern has a new dance ministry separate from the dance program and unlike any other. “We are redefining hip-hop as one of the hottest ways to minister…