Piano Gala spotlights piece found at Palmer Seminary
Beethoven’s Grosse Fugue found its way out of Palmer Seminary’s basement, all the way to London where it brought in $1.7 million, and made its way back to Wayne, Penna.…
Beethoven’s Grosse Fugue found its way out of Palmer Seminary’s basement, all the way to London where it brought in $1.7 million, and made its way back to Wayne, Penna.…
Eastern’s women’s lacrosse played their way to victory on April 20 against Misericordia with an 18-3 win. With their recent victory over Haverford, on April 24, the team finished their…
I was once involved in a shouting match with one of my friend’s grandfathers over whether the Phillies will ever win anything. He said it will never happen. I said…
Top: junior Anthony Pastiglione. Bottom: Jon Vander Pol chips a ball onto the green. The golf team finished its season May 1st in the PAC Championships. Photos provided by sports…
All semester, the Eastern community has anticipated the Equality Ride’s visit. With the amount of worry and hope that we had beforehand, it seems amazing how little has changed since.…
Top ten ways to know it is time to leave Eastern:
“I don’t have an M.D. or a law degree. I have a bachelor’s in kicking ass and taking names.” Meet Nick Naylor, a smooth, sweet talking tobacco lobbyist who speaks…
In 2005, Eastern had a 99% placement rate. The placement rate is the percentage of students who are either continuing their education, are employed or are volunteering full time within…
Multiple ECards bring multiple memories By Tremonisha Martin When people ask me if I’m ready to graduate, I simply inform them that I’m on my fifth ECard. I think getting…
Ask seniors what they fear the most this spring, and the answer may vary from thesis presentations to student loans to making it across the stage without tripping. Yet one…