Eastern goes paperless
Course evaluations and student billing move online
Course evaluations and student billing move online
If you had thought that the highlight of the Halloween weekend was seeing the guy on campus with the Optimus Prime costume, you were right. Not only was the outfit…
I hurried into the local department store to grab1 some last CISM exam questions minute Chirsmas gifts. I looked Prokeyshop at all Catalyst 9800 Series Wireless Controllers the people and…
“Who’s going to stop me? You? You’re a woman–you’re nothing!” The words echoed off the walls of the Gough Great Room as the man on screen held a scalding iron…
Dean Chia decided to drop out of high school when he was 15-years-old. He stopped attending high school after his sophomore year and thought saying he was a “dropout” would…
At chapel on Oct. 21, T.J. Foltz, the Mid-Atlantic Regional Director for Scripture Union, ended his message on the Good Samaritan by inviting the audience to do something by getting…
What is your favorite song to dance to?
On Oct. 29, the crowd in the Dinning Commons watching Mr. Eastern roared even louder than the moaning Phillies fans in the Breezeway. This excitement arose when the four judges…
First place: Sophomore Josh Horton juggling knives while balancing and wearing a “Bubblemaster 3000.” Second place: Junior Olivia Bellard singing. Third place and People’s Choice: Sophomore Brandon Munson performing an…
from the desk of Jim Magee, Director of Security