Abelian Group provides math help
Need to raise that algebra grade? Need some help with that calculus problem that you cannot seem to figure out? Or do you just need someone to help you with…
Need to raise that algebra grade? Need some help with that calculus problem that you cannot seem to figure out? Or do you just need someone to help you with…
Students gathered in the auditorium and the Walton Dining Commons to worship God in unity and diversity. The evenings of December 4 and 5 were the second time the UnityFest…
The flu shot is at a premium these days. Fewer than half of the vaccines ordered this year have arrived, and those that have are only being offered to a…
After four years of hard work, Eastern received a grant of $1 million from Governor Rendell of Pennsylvania. Each year the governor asks for a set amount of funds, called…
The SGA sponsored a student forum on the proposed curriculum changes on November 30. The proposed changes would change student course loads from five three-credit classes a semester to four…
When I was seven years old, I used to pray that the powers that be would release movie versions of the final three Chronicles of Narnia books. I loved the…
Even as Eastern considers the switch from a 3×5 credit scheme to a 4×4 credit scheme, other similarly sized schools have made the move in the other direction. Eastern Nazarene…
An anonymous buyer bought Palmer Seminary’s eighty-page Beethoven manuscript at a London auction for $1.72 million, which is roughly $21,500 a page. The manuscript, discovered at Palmer in July, was…
David Kim’s connections to Eastern are growing deeper. Since moving to Philadelphia in 1999, he has sent his children to Church of the Savior, made music and friends with its…
SGA sophomore president Shannen Shadel recently resigned her post in order to pursue a career in the Army Reserves. “It’s a personal decision, and I want to be involved with…