

Words of wisdom from a graduating senior

There is no perfect way to go through college because everyone is different, and God has different plans for each life. But there are things you might want to make happen. And there are things you most likely want to avoid. From a senior who has five and a half […]


Writing center receives donation to renovate

Remember the question that was supposed to be a conversation starter: “What would you do with $100,000?” Well, it is now Eastern’s turn to start that conversation. Eastern ’02 alumna Kelly Wilbraham nee Van Der Aa, has donated $100,000 to the Cushing Center for Counseling and Academic Support. CCAS has […]


SIFE gets creative

“Eastern student wins $1,200 through online Wall Street game,” could very well be a headline next April as the SIFE Club has started the Eastern University Wall Street game as one of their many projects this semester. Students in Free Enterprise is both a club and class that focuses on […]


Injustice in the fitness center

It’s one o’clock in the afternoon on a Monday. I’m just about to put two 45-pound plates on the bar stationed atop the bench press when something interrupts my train of muscle-bound thought. “Alright, guys. Fifteen minutes until we close,” the fitness room supervisor announces. “We’ll be open again at […]


Ultimate Frisbee competes in New York

Jon Ambrose Staff Writer “Ultimate!” The player yells, throwing the frisbee as far as he can. Most college students have started an Ultimate Frisbee game this way, but most haven’t played with the intensity Eastern’s team has. This team is no joke; they mean business. Sending two teams to a […]


Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor, While I understand what you are trying to say regarding the “rumors” of staph infection at EU, I am afraid your choice of title “Staph rumors not serious” might mislead some people into thinking that MRSA is not a serious illness and that we do not need to […]


Movie Review: Lions for Lambs

What will you stand for? What is worth dying for? What will you fight for? These are the questions you will leave asking after seeing Lions for Lambs. The motion picture features heralded actors such as Robert Redford as the wise and calm Professor Stephen Malley, Meryl Streep as the […]


Questions for “red letter” Christians

A new phrase has recently emerged in the Christian lexicon and even has an article on Wikipedia. “Red letter” Christians focus on the words of Jesus (the red type in some Bibles) and endorse more progressive political views. The phrase appears to have been birthed out of a desire of […]


Kea-Guffin sneaks by GDH for PowderPuff title

Raise your fist and join in the chant, because Kea-Guffin has captured the PowderPuff championship for the second year in a row. “From the beginning of the season the girls have been fired up to play in this one game, so I was determined to do anything I could to […]