Healthy balance: diet, exercise and yoga classes
Many Americans have recently been getting more involved in exercise and dietary support plans to loose weight and get in shape. Organizations like Weight Watchers and Curves have built business…
Tae Kwon Do, popular class among Eastern students
Tae Kwon Do is a self-defense art well over two thousand years old. Originating in Korea, Tae Kwon Doe is based on the premise that every person has the ability…
INQUIRING MINDS: Keeping college community takes guts
This campus is full of bold, action-taking students, as the Waltonian has taken note of in its last two issues. We have future Olympic athletes, national news reporters, patriotic heroes…
Library gets new loan service
Just before school started this semester, Warner Library added a new system called PALCI E-Z Borrow that makes interlibrary book loans quick and easy. PALCI is an online catalog that…
Student to start first ever pre-law club
The American legal system is more than just Atticus Finch or Law & Order, and students will have a chance to learn all about it when Eastern gets its very…
More homecoming coverage
Alumni honored, share memories-by Ruth Robinson, Staff Writer Memories, achievements and change were all honored at the homecoming alumni luncheon on Saturday. Relationships were the focus of many alumni memories.…
WEB EXCLUSIVE: Scenes from homecoming weekend
SlideShow: The crowning, games, fine arts show and more
HOMECOMING: Eagles beat PAC number two seed Misericordia, 4-1
Friends, family, alumni and pets spread out along Kea hill to cheer Eastern’s men’s soccer team to victory against the number two seed in the PAC, College Misericordia. The final…
OPINION: You too can help protect the President
Since the first day of my Advanced Placement U.S. Government class in tenth grade, I have had an interest in politics. I remember listening to my teacher discuss the political…
Opinion: Vote for Bush will secure U.S.
The election is closing quickly and the yet undecided voters are examining the presidential candidates more closely. As it looks now, the margin of the election is going to be…