Students experience online registration problems
While registering for spring 2005 classes some students experienced the failure of the intranet online registration system. According to Marjorie Wily of administrative computing, the system malfunction was due to…
Campus gets paintballed on Mischief Night
On Mischief Night, four female Cabrini students allegedly fired paintballs at Eastern University property, according to Bettie Ann Brigham, vice president of student development and Jack Sheehan, head of campus…
Brigham, Black discuss various issues with students over breakfast
One of the best ways to combat the morning blues is to begin the day with a healthy breakfast. Combine that meal with the chance for students to voice interests,…
Nancy Fleischer retires; Donna Hawkins fills her position
After 10 years of dedicated service, Nancy Fleischer will be retiring. She will be replaced by Donna Hawkins, wife of dean of students, Daryl Hawkins. Fleischer’s position, benefits coordinator and…
As election results trickle in, university reacts
Bush gets re-elected, country divided
back issues
Hey all -I know this isn’t exactly what “to the editor” is designed for but I had some trouble searching your the site for specific issues. I am currently in…
Walton family member comes home, visits Eastern
Eileen Korman, known by the Eastern community for greeting people who enter the Dining Commons and swiping their E-cards with a smile, was recently given an opportunity to speak with…
LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Only the Prince of Peace can eliminate fear in the church
We live in a culture of fear. Everywhere we go, people tell us that we are all part of the army in the so-called war on terrorism. The terrorists are…
LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Interest in Catholicism does not mean a distaste for Protestantism
For anyone who read “Catholics Hold Prayer Meetings in Gough” in the September 29 issue of The Waltonian I would like to make clear that the article did not express…
Newspapers, world leaders lend support to favorite U.S. presidential candidates
With only a few days left before the presidential election, newspapers and world leaders alike are stepping forward and backing the two main candidates, John Kerry and George W. Bush.…