Ode to Fall

A creative writing piece

Fall is a pumpkin spice latte
Happiness in a cup
Fall is curling up by a bonfire
Enclosed in a thick, warm hoodie
Fall is the lily-padded pond, the old stone
The gurgling streams
Of my university
Fall is the birdsong and the crunchy leaves
A crisp carpet beneath my feet
Fall is a hammock and a good book
Fall is cool autumn air and laughter
Rising up to kiss the sky
Fall is a heavy word
Full of meaning and wisdom
Fall is newness of life
A chance to change
Fall is a run
Through wooded paths
With leaves, falling on your head
Fall is your hand in mine
And the light of your eyes
Full of promise and hope
Keeping me warm
Away from harm
A shelter from the storm
You are my favorite season
Because in this time
I am touched
By your endless forgiveness and grace
Even though the air stings my face
I will embrace
All that comes my way
Because I know that with you
I have found strength
Even when the trees are stripped bare
And the leaves turn brown
And all light seems to leave the world
I know that you will be there
And I will sing again with joy
Sunlight will dance
And I will learn to be happy again

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