Mike Thomas was drawn to the Eastern community because he appreciated Eastern’s unique mission that highlights the importance of faith, reason, and justice.

Thomas, a visiting full-time professor, enjoys the Tuesdays and Thursdays he spends teaching at the university. He spends his time in the Psychology department teaching courses in research methods, social psychology, general psychology and psychological testing.

Thomas also enjoys helping people. Before he came to Eastern, he worked at the Friends Hospital in Philadelphia until his program left the hospital.

Thomas then worked in August at Brandywine Hospital with the same treatment team. There, he works as a psychologist in the patient eating disorder program. “The hardest thing to do is watch someone that can choose to change, but doesn’t,” Thomas said. “People don’t understand how powerful eating disorders can be, they don’t realize that change is possible.”

In Thomas’ work as psychologist, he has encountered many hard cases. His newest challenge came in the form of a teaching position.

“It was brought to my attention that Eastern had an opening when a colleague of mine recommended me for this position,” Thomas said.

Previously, Thomas had been a teaching assistant at Regent University, which is also where he received his doctorate degree. “I loved it there, it was a great environment and right next to Virginia Beach,” he said.

Aside from teaching and helping people in need, Thomas said, “I love sports, any kind of sport, although my favorite would have to be Ultimate Frisbee.” He enjoys playing fantasy football with friends and colleagues, as well as taking long walks with his wife.

“I love talking to students after class about what they are interested in and what they want to pursue,” he said.

One thing Thomas usually tells his students is, “Do what you love to do, and everything else will fall in place.”

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