“When you turn 21, I am going to take you out, and we’re getting smashed,” a relative of mine once said.
“No thanks, party without me,” I replied.
It can be difficult to go against the assumptions of society, especially with drinking. Peers and family members expected me to drink when I was legally allowed–and I proved them wrong.
My Facebook messages doubled on my 21st birthday.
“Happy birthday, Chelsea. Do what I would do if I was 21!” one said.
“You have no excuse now, drink up!”
I do have an excuse. I’m true to who I am. It took me a while to figure this out, and I’m not willing to abandon it now.
I am sure this birthday is a great party for some. Yet I never wanted to drink, so I will not succumb to outside pressures.
I am sure that some people have a desire to drink on their 21st. There is nothing wrong with this. The law says we are responsible and old enough to make our own beverage choices.
However, I live by my desires, not others’. I have made the right decision for me.
I am sure one day I will have the desire. I probably will drink some day. Regardless, it will be for my reasons and in my time.