Things to do this Spring

Spring. The time we have all been waiting for. All around Eastern’s campus, students can enjoy a whole new range of activities in the great outdoors!

Study outside: It sounds cliché, but doing school work out in the sunshine can help you concentrate better, focusing on important material that you could miss if you were distracted by, say, the internet. You can even grab a to-go meal and have a picnic lunch along with your study session. Somehow, that twelve-page paper might not seem so daunting outside…

Take a leisurely stroll through Wayne: Our area has loads of cute stores to pop into and explore on a beautiful spring day. Whether you need a new outfit, some toothpaste or a well-deserved frozen yogurt, Wayne provides it all. A ten-minute walk into Wayne can help you regain the sanity that winter nearly stole from you.

Explore Valley Forge National Historic Park: This park provides a variety of activities for all ages. Located at the site of the American Continental Army’s camp during the Revolutionary War, the park includes both historic monuments and hiking trails. This pet-friendly spot has the perfect scenic views for an invigorating walk exploring the trails.

Unlock your bike: Parallel to Conestoga Road in Radnor, there is a bicycle trail perfect for springtime use. Grab a couple of friends and a few bikes and take your mind off of your studies with some fresh air and quality time with the outdoors.

Play outside: It’s Spring, so now is the time to play anything and everything in the out of doors. Find some tennis rackets and hit the courts, lace up your running sneakers and race from one side of campus to the other or kick the ol’ soccer ball around the turf. The possibilities are basically endless.

Spring is about being new and fresh, so think outside the box and do something new and exciting in the Spring of 2012! 

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