The evangelical vote can make or break a candidate’s campaign push.

The evangelical vote is just what it sounds like: Bible-thumping, (okay, at least Bible-backed), environmentally-friendly, pro-life Christians. While this might be a bit of a broad generalization, the evangelical vote is the metronome that keeps the election in time with the religious beat.

The evangelical vote is half the reason that abortion and homosexuality are such controversial topics, forcing platforms to center around them.

The evangelical bloc is defined by leaders such as Rick Warren, Billy Graham and James Dobson.

In the 2004 elections, America’s desire to unite under a religious banner that would contrast the radical beliefs of Islamic terrorists played a major role in carrying George W. Bush into office. Faith jumped to the forefront of politics like never before. Though the polls varied, most reported Bush winning over 75 percent of the evangelical vote.

Think the importance of the evangelical vote is waning? Think again. Both Barack Obama and John McCain recently met with mega-church pastor, Rick Warren, to discuss key faith-related issues.

Both Obama and McCain claim religious background.

Obama’s new selection of Joe Biden as a running mate not only influences the Catholic vote, but it strengthens his appeal with the entire religious community. While it is true that the Catholic vote is an entirely different faction than the evangelical vote, all of these Christian votes are interlinked.

Various polls have shown that numerous members such as those of the Charismatic, Southern Baptist and Assemblies of God denominations align themselves with the evangelical vote, even though they may not align with the evangelical prototype.

You can be assured that the evangelical vote will continue to take center stage during the upcoming election.

Neither candidate has won warm approval from the evangelical leaders, as the evangelical vote has sat by for the most part, quietly watching the competition heat up. Whichever way the evangelical vote ends up influencing the upcoming election, separation of religion from politics is definitely not a reality come election year.

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