Smart apps for your smart phone

With the rise of the smartphone and its plethora of apps there has come unparalleled access to, well, just about everything. It means that the world is suddenly and quite literally at mankind’s fingertips! And while some may see the ability to be constantly “plugged in” as a blessing, curse, or some mixture of the two, we can at least agree that there are a few apps that have certainly revolutionized the smartphone experience.
The uncontested king of social media apps is Facebook, who has taken connecting people across the globe from the computer to the phone. In addition, Instagram, which was incidentally purchased by Facebook, (clever move, Mark Zuckerburg) is a photo sharing app and social network that is only increasing its already large following.
In the category of music, apps such as Spotify or Pandora provide a free alternative to one’s own often limited selection of songs. Also popular in the music category is Shazam, which gives you the gift of identifying any song you hear. Simply turn the app on and “Shazam!” it lists the song title and artist.
For all the work-out junkies out there, many apps cater specifically to you, keeping track of your workouts and counting your calories. Most popular in this category is the Nike Training Club app that boasts to be “your personal trainer. Anytime. Anywhere.”
And what’s a phone without games? Coming out on top of the most popular list is DrawSomething, a drawing and guessing game that brings out the inner artist and is sure to cause laughs. In addition, Snapchat, which allows one to take a photo, caption it, and send it out for friends to view for a certain number of seconds, is a fun choice for that procrastinator in us all.
If you’re interested in using your smartphone to do something constructive, like keeping up to date with current events, Associated Press is a popular choice.
When it comes to the smartphone, things boil down to this: whatever you need or desire, chances are, there’s an app for that.  

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