Rev. Cortes to address December graduates

As the semester draws to a close and commencement looms for December graduates, many are asking who will address the soon-to-be Eastern alums and their families at the ceremony.

This year, the honor goes to Rev. Luis Cortes Jr. Rev. Cortes is the President and CEO of Esperanza College, one of the largest Hispanic faith-based Evangelical networks in the United States.

A well known evangelical, Rev. Cortes graduated with honors from City College in New York, then went on to earn his Masters in Divinity from Union Theological Seminary and MS in Economic Development from Southern New Hampshire University.

Rev. Cortes has received two honorary doctorates, one of them from Eastern’s Palmer Theological Seminary.

He spoke at the National Prayer Breakfast in 2005. He has also been a guest at the White House on several occasions and was listed as one of Time magazine’s “25 Most Influential Evangelicals.”

Serving on the board of various organizations and institutions, Rev. Cortes has established an impressive resume and made it clear that Eastern’s December grads will have a memorable send-off at this year’s ceremony.

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