The Warner Library recently had 30 books mysteriously checked out under the name of Napoleon Dynamite. Seemingly hungry for world religion, Dynamite has been reading Hinduism & Buddhism, SRI Ramakrishna: The Great Master, The Works of St. John of the Cross and The Golden Bout Collection.
But a popular fictional character has not suddenly enrolled at Eastern. Library director Jim Sauer, in an effort to make more shelf room without sacrificing books, conjured a dummy person with the name Napoleon Dynamite to move the books to a low traffic location.
“The movie is very popular in my home, and that is where I got the idea from,” Sauer said.
The books that the phantom Dynamite has checked out have gone to the shelves of staffer Susan R. Joseph on the second floor of Warner.
Sauer deemed the best books for Napoleon to check out to be more on the obscure and less useful side to Eastern students. These books included the Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda and a two-volume Fable of Bees.
When the time came and went for Napoleon Dynamite to renew his books, full-time Warner staffers wrote to Sauer, warning that Napoleon Dynamite had late fees to pay.
The phantom Dynamite has cleared three or so inches of extra space per shelf in the world religion section. The books will return to the Warner shelves after the addition is complete.
Sauer said Napoleon would let his books go should Eastern students wish to check them out in the meantime.