Now that the weather is getting nice, there always seem to be people playing on the tennis courts. Someone’s constantly outside, hitting that yellow ball across the net just for fun. That same person may not even be on the tennis team.

And yet there is the rare occasion when you will see the men’s tennis team practicing on the court, even when the weather isn’t as nice as it has been. One of those players is senior Sean McGuinness, a transfer from Calif.

As an economics major, McGuinness has been pretty satisfied with his school life at Eastern so far.

“I think it was the perfect choice to come to Eastern,” McGuinness said. “I like that this school has strong communities, great people and a beautiful campus.”

McGuinness started to play tennis when he was in elementary school. When one of his close friends brought him to a tennis lesson, it was the beginning of a beautiful career in the sport of tennis.

Don’t be fooled; he can play other sports besides tennis, such as soccer, baseball, football and basketball. But tennis is his true passion.

“I love other sports, but tennis is a sport that I can do better than other sports,” McGuinness said.

He’s not invincible though; McGuinness has experienced what it’s like to win and to lose. One of the tensest games he had was when he was a high school student playing in a championship match.

“It was a challenging game for me because I knew my rival was a better player than me,” McGuinness said.

On the flip side, one of the more fun games he has had was when he won a game by shutting out his opponent in a full-match sweep. “I beat him in 23 minutes,” McGuinness said.

McGuinness is extremely proud of his teammates and all the hard work that they have done, both before and during the season.

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