Being informed for an election is the Christian thing to do

The radio commercials are over, the road signs are down, and people who stood by the side of the road supporting their candidate of choice now stuff dumpsters with the signs they once held, heading indoors.

It makes you think, doesn’t it? With so many people behind each candidate, is there a right answer? Is there a right candidate that we as Christians “ought” to vote for? Should we even care to entangle ourselves in political elections?

The founding fathers of our country established our government, as Abraham Lincoln in the Gettysburg Address well stated, “of the people, by the people, for the people.” If democracy is going to function in our nation, we as citizens, and especially as Christians, need to get involved. The people we elect to represent us influence the legislation that shapes the future of our nation. Changes must start in the voting booths.

The question still exists, however, as to who we should vote for. It there a “Christian” candidate – the one we all work to elect? Should we vote Democrat or Republican?

I am not writing this to persuade your vote. What I am asking, however, is that you think it through. When election time comes every two years, examine the issues, and know the candidates’ goals. Most importantly, look at their values. All candidates, Democrat, Republican or Independent, campaign by promoting their far-reaching goals, and some, of course, by putting down another candidate as “the enemy.”

Look beneath the surface. Take the time to move beyond the muckraking ads, and get to know the candidates. Check out their campaign web sites, watch a debate, or read one of the pamphlets that litter everyone’s mailboxes.

What do they stand for? What are their values? Where do they draw the line on ethical matters? Because, at the end of the day, when the elections are won and campaign promises seem impossible to fully fulfill, your representatives on the local, state and federal level are going to make decisions stemming from their values and ethical beliefs.

As the dust from 2010’s midterm elections settles and the excitement wears off, it allows you to take a step back and review the past few months’ events in hindsight.

Once again, I’m not writing today to persuade you to support a specific party or certain candidates in future elections. I’m writing to inspire you to be informed, to be involved in the voting process, and to put someone in office whose decisions you’ll agree with.

“Of the people, by the people, for the people,” and it all starts at the polls.


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