Stressed Out?! How to Reduce Your Stress Level
Being a student can be very stressful. At this point in the semester, midterms are behind us and finals are ahead. And of course before those finals we have quizzes,…
Being a student can be very stressful. At this point in the semester, midterms are behind us and finals are ahead. And of course before those finals we have quizzes,…
On Friday, April 10, the Eastern University Music Department will be holding their 12th Annual Music Gala at the Church of the Savior in Wayne. The concert will start at…
Without getting into the nitty gritty technical terms of photography and all about using a camera, these few tips are intended to better your every day shooting, whether on a…
With over 1 billion channels on YouTube worldwide, how can you possibly know which ones to waste your valuable time watching? With so many channels to choose from, it is…
Scandal alert: “Did I just see the housekeeping staff throw the recyclables in with the rest of the trash? Does Eastern even recycle? Have I lived a lie for the…
The Eastern Beet ST. DAVID’S, PA — Residents of Doane Hall announced their plan to secede from the rest of the St. David’s campus on March 13, citing “differences in…
Eastern has once again raised tuition. In the past five years, the cost of going to Eastern has increased by almost $10,000. But “these changes are relatively modest,” and “As…
If a picture is worth a thousand words, we need to be careful about what it is saying. As someone immersed in the world of youth ministry, I see photographs…
What does it mean to be healthy? Is the measure of health based off the number on a scale, jean size, appearance or something else? Western society seems to have…
I read with great interest and pleasure the article written by Mary Ann Bonner in the Feb. 25, 2015 issue of the Waltonian, entitled “The Danger of Diluting the Gospel.”…