Notes from afar: Tim’s LA farewell
I can only imagine how cold and wet the East Coast must be this time of year. It hit 90 degrees in L.A. this week, and of course it’s been…
I can only imagine how cold and wet the East Coast must be this time of year. It hit 90 degrees in L.A. this week, and of course it’s been…
“Action! Cut! Action!” With a pencil in her hand, and following script revision # 2, these are the words said by director Elizabeth Carlson ’06, during the rehearsals for Eastern’s…
As one of the greatest human rights crises in human history continues in the Darfur region of the Sudan, a group of Eastern University students are raising their voices for…
The Democrats swept both the House and the Senate. Americans awaited the results of the Virginia and Montana elections. Despite the close race of Jim Webb and George Allen in…
I was 12 when Jimmy Swaggert stood in his televised pulpit and wept a confession into my living room. “I have sinned against you, my Lord,” he said with a…
Enjoy Christian hip-hop? Eastern has a new dance ministry separate from the dance program and unlike any other. “We are redefining hip-hop as one of the hottest ways to minister…
The end is near. Thanksgiving is in a week, Christmas in less than a month. Papers, tests, and projects are mounting. Stress is escalating. This is the most important and…
On the day that SPEAK hosted the Gerry Adams event, I stood at the entrance of the Campolo School parking lot wearing a maroon Eastern t-shirt and giving parking instructions…
Through Federal Work Study, Warner Library is offering paid positions to build a virtual world of resources. After a few years of planning, the Virtual Bibliographic Instruction Project has begun…
Mandy Matthias,’06 alum, describes her first two years at Eastern as a dark time, filled with tension between her sexuality and her spirituality. She was a quiet, withdrawn girl, focused…