Highlighting the Theatre Department:
A forward look into our theatre department’s year. By: Brian Lines Since early 2020 when COVID-19 shut down most of the performing arts, communities have recently started revitalizing the arts.…
Women Under the Taliban:
A glance into the deteriorating circumstances of Afghan women under the Taliban regime. By: Daniel Finegan Militant Islamist group, the Taliban first emerged in the 1990s in Pakistan. By 1998,…
Immigration Crisis at the Southern Border:
The continued crisis at the border and what was, has been and is being done to combat it. By: Lenora Kirkland The United States receives over one million immigrants each…
President Biden visits Philadelphia
The President's speech was centered around unity and how the country desperately needs it
Hard Pill to Swallow: “Regarding” vs. “In Regards To”
I believe using the word “regarding” instead of the phrase “in regards to” is infinitely superior, and it annoys me to no end when the latter is used in writing…
Hollywood Should not be Idolized: People should stop idolizing and fixating on celebrities.
I know the Will Smith and Chris Rock moment has passed, but this pop culture moment that had all of social media talking reminded me of a very important concept;…
Calling for Transparency and Consistency: Eastern leaves students in the dark for remaining in Phase C.
And so here we are, 232 days since the start of the fall semester, and we are still in Phase C of Eastern University’s COVID-19 phases. I remember distinctly being…
The Legacy of a Lifelong Friendship: The Chamberlain Interfaith Fellowship Dinner.
The Chamberlain Interfaith Fellowship (CIF) is rooted in a story of lifelong friendship between two young boys living in Newton, Mass. David Feldman and Dr. Ted J. Chamberlain were raised…
SAB: We’re Looking for New Members!
If you’ve ever attended a bingo night, coffeehouse, festival or any weekend event on campus, you’ve very likely been exposed to the workings of the Student Activities Board. Commonly known…
“We think differently and that’s not a bad thing”: Autism Acceptance Month 2022.
Since 2011, April is annually recognized as Autism Acceptance Month (previously Autism Awareness Month). According to the 2021 10th anniversary Autistic Self-Advocacy Network’s statement, “Autism Acceptance Month was created by…