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Valentine’s Day is right around the corner, and love is in the air. Whether you choose to express that love towards a significant other, friends or family, there is always enough to go around, especially for this beautiful campus. Students were asked to share some of their favorite things about Eastern to make a compiled love letter. 

“Eastern has allowed me to pursue my love of psychology and education. Not only through the amazing professors, especially my first psychology professor Dr. Lo, who has been a huge encouragement in pursuing psychology as a career path for me, but also my peers and learning through them about science. Another thing that I love about Eastern is the amazing people that I have met. No matter what I can reach out to these relationships and friendships that I cherish for support,” Alyssa Gibbs, junior, said. 

“I would love to give a shoutout to Dr. Morgan about how I am able to talk to her about everything I have on my mind, whether it is something bothering me or just something I wanna talk to someone about. Also want to thank her for being so flexible to me when I had my surgery and how she made sure that I didn’t get left behind and worked with me to catch up and pass the class with an A+,” Evan Barks, senior, said.  

“I am grateful that Eastern gave me a home away from home. It’s nice having a community and friends that make transitioning into adulthood sweet,” Jania Long, junior, said.

“Eastern introduced me to a whole new world. A world without poverty. A world that’s very diverse from where I grew up. It might not be the biggest campus but it’s a safe place to stay. Eastern has great resources and people to use to your advantage,” Ni’Jir Green said. 

“I think the thing I love about Eastern the most is how open and loving everyone here is. It is always so easy to find people who will stand in your corner with you and be there for you,” Liz Leonard, junior, said.

“The baby turtles and deer that roam the campus are always such a great thing to see! I love it when it’s mid-spring semester, the sun is setting, and it’s nice and quiet. Looking out my window or even sitting on KG hill, gives me such a great sight of how beautiful and peaceful campus is!” Rainee Wright, junior, said. 

“I want to thank Eastern for allowing me to meet the most amazing people and find my best friends. Eastern does a great job of drawing in the kindest people and I wouldn’t change a thing!” Emmy Stiles, senior, said. 

Eastern University has provided students with so many opportunities and memories that will last a lifetime. What better way to show love and appreciation for it all than in a love letter? Thank you, Eastern for giving students their lifelong friendships, amazing professors, new experiences, a place to live, and most importantly, love.